Inspired by striking iconic Botanic Garden motifs, originally designed by Susan Williams-Ellis, this new Botanic Garden Harmony collection brings a retro look with a modern twist to everyday moments. Create a breath-taking collection for the table with this beautiful tableware, featuring embossed detailing and four elegant shades; a perfect complement to your much-loved Portmeirion Botanic Garden collection. Made in Portmeirion’s factory in England, Stoke-on-Trent, each and every piece is made for modern day dining and is of the utmost quality.
This Botanic Garden Harmony cereal bowl from Portmeirion comes in a beautiful white color, featuring embossed detailing on the rim of the bowl, bringing a retro look to your breakfast table. Each piece is individually glazed creating unique pieces that will exhibit slight variations in color, which adds to the beauty of the collection.
- UPC: 749151699670
- Product: Bowls
- Material: Fine Earthenware
- Dimensions: 6 Inch
- Collections: Botanic Garden Harmony
- Made in England: Yes