The Anne Stokes original, Once Upon A Time, is a magical adventure of a fairy princess parting ways with her faithful dragon as she sets out on a solo journey to find truth and love. The Crystal Art Large Framed Kit wall art is conveniently mounted on a wooden frame, so it's wrinkle free and ready to display after it's embellished. No unnecessary unrolling of the canvas, pressing out creases, or searching for a frame. Simply enjoy this therapeutic activity right out of the box. The versatile double-sided crystal pick-up pen allows you to pick up a single crystal or up to three at a time, for those who are in a hurry to make a dazzling gift!
Suitable for ages 8+. Approximately 16 to 18 hours assembly time. Framed canvas is 19.7" x 15.75". Partial crystal.
Crystal Art Large Framed Kit includes:
- Coded adhesive canvas template & chart
- Coded pre-sorted crystal packets
- Two double-sided crystal pick-up pens
- Jelly wax
- Two grooved crystal trays
- Ziplock bags
- Instructions