Near a pavilion, a lady sat in peaceful contemplation, savoring the stillness amidst the delicate lattice-work and gentle breeze.
You can create a stunning piece of wall art for your house using the Crystal Art technique with the aid of this fantastic Crystal Art Scroll kit. Simply attach the scroll to a nail or wall hook that is already attached to exquisite wooden hanger bars after your creation is complete. The normal picture frame is not necessary, which will save you some money and give your room a more aesthetic vibe.
The DIY activity is calming and therapeutic and is appropriate for both adults and kids (ages 8+). The outcome is a gorgeous work of crystal art that can be displayed.
Each Crystal Art Scroll Kit includes:
- Coded adhesive design template
- Double-sided crystal pick-up pen
- Jelly wax
- Coded pre-sorted crystal packets
- Grooved crystal tray
- Ziplock bags, Instructions
- Envelope
- Wodden hanger bars