- Party on in a blast to the past by reliving the Glory days of the 80’s and 90’s!
- Trivia categories include movies, music, TV, sports, and pop culture.
- Includes 100 trivia cards with 1, 000 questions.
- For two or more players, ages: 12 and up.
80's 90's Trivia Game
Product Description
The 80’s 90’s Trivia game is the perfect game to take to a party, or to a family gathering. Challenge friends and family to answer questions from the most righteous time in history! The game includes five trivia categories: Movies, Music, TV, Sports and Pop Culture. The questions are both easy and challenging. Ages 12+, for 2 – 4 players and more.
How to Play
Place the cards face down. Write each players’ name on the score pad. The oldest player is the first to receive a question and select any of the five categories. The question is asked by the person on the player’s right. The card is then placed at the bottom of the deck. The game is over when a player has correctly answered two questions in each category.